Monday, March 31, 2014

Fear Is An Obstacle To Success

Most people aren't as successful as they could be due to unfounded fears.  Fear exists only in the mind. People imagine the worst case scenario instead of relaxing and formulating a plan for success.  Caution, unlike fear,  enables us to take action in order to remove ourselves from real danger.  While fear paralyzes, courage mobilizes us to take action in order to overcome obstacles and accomplish great things!

Friday, March 28, 2014

We Treat Others The Way We Feel We Deserve To Be Treated

Everything we do and say is filtered through our self-image.  Think of your self-image as a hologram projected out in front of you at the subliminal level.  Whenever we say or do something to another person this reflects what we feel about ourselves at the deepest level.  People who love and appreciate themselves unconditionally, acknowledge their own talents, and exhibit a high level of self care have the ability to love and appreciate others unconditionally, encourage the best in those they come into contact with, and care for loved ones in a healthy and balanced way.  We are constantly projecting who we are with every word and action.