Tuesday, April 29, 2014

When You Can Love & Believe In Yourself You Can Love & Believe In Others

Our self-image is what we filter everything we say and do through.  Your self-image is projected out in front of you like a hologram via your subconscious mind.  When you speak loving and compassionate words to others this indicates how you feel about yourself.  When we judge others this indicates that there are things within ourselves that we find difficult to live with and forgive ourselves for.  The truth of our existence is that we are all worthy of being treated with love, dignity, and respect.  Embrace this truth in order to free yourself from the bondage of self-doubt.  You deserve every good thing in this life.  I love you!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Revenge Is Illogical & Counterproductive

Revenge is foolish because two negative actions never result in a positive outcome.  When we seek to do harm to someone else we are seeking to harm ourselves.  This shows a lack of insight and poor judgment.  Forgiving the other person is a demonstration that we have come back to a balanced state of mind.  We understand that nothing can undo what has been done but we can make our peace with it release from our mind and body. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Mind/Body Connection Is Powerful

People walk around holding anger and resentment in the muscles of their body.  Relaxation produced by massage, laughter, and yoga can release the anger and negative thought patterns that the mind is unwilling to let go of.  As the body is the mind follows and vice versa.  The more flexible we are in our bodies the more open to change and new ideas we'll be.  Keeping our minds open to new things and different points of view will keep our bodies healthy and flexible. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Improve Your Self-Image & You'll Improve The Quality Of Your Relationships & Life

Our self-image determines our fate.  Believe in yourself, love yourself, respect yourself, take good care of yourself, stand up for yourself, and you will attract people who will love you, respect you, care well for you, stand up for you, and so much more!  It's important to teach others how we expect to be treated and be in the driver's seat of our lives.  This life is your opportunity to be happy, fulfilled, and loved.  Remember, this life isn't a dress rehearsal!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Honor Your Truth With Words & Actions

When we express our thoughts and dreams via words and actions we show respect for ourselves and inspire others to courageously live their truth.  We have an opportunity to let our light shine each day!  Let your light of power and fearlessness shine brightly!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Believe In Yourself & Others Will Too

When we have faith in ourselves and our abilities this light will glow so brightly that others won't be able to avoid seeing this illumination of who we are and what we can do.  Others will be drawn to you and seek to collaborate with you on mutually exciting and beneficial ventures.  Have faith in yourself and let your light shine brightly!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Humor Is Life Saving

When you feel distressed and emotionally stuck just find something humorous to watch and laugh.  Laughter bursts the illusion of confinement and deprivation.  Laughter reinvigorates the mind, body, and spirit.  You'll find that things aren't as bad as you thought they were.  Laughter allows us to relax and regain our emotional equilibrium. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

As The Body Is The Mind Follows And Vice Versa

People who are set in their ways are also very inflexible in their bodies.  As people get older they don't have to suffer from stiff joints and a lack of mobility.  By keeping an open mind and practicing Chi Gong and yoga we can maintain a body that is supple and adaptable. 

It Takes Two Reasonable People To Come To A Reasonable Agreement

It's important to be truly reasonable when seeking to settle a difference with another person.  The other person also has to be committed to arriving at a reasonable solution.  Successful conflict resolution isn't about one person winning and the other person losing.  Everyone's reasonable opinions and requests need to be respected and honored.  When both parties' can meet in the middle there is an understanding that success is a joint effort.  People who just want to win and put down the other person are setting themselves up for failure.  Life is a joint and not a solo venture.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

When We Help Others To Succeed We All Succeed

True success in life involves helping others around us to succeed without pride or prejudice getting in the way.  Pride and competition are negative and imbalanced perspectives on life.  Feeling that others think they're better than you is an indication that you feel inferior to others!  Remember that when you imagine that others are thinking certain negative thoughts about you it's really your subconscious mind bringing up what you think of yourself in relation to other people.  The better and more balanced our self-image the more we will understand that assisting others is a way of helping ourselves and our society as a whole.  As a society we are all dependent upon one another. People who let their insecurities get in the way of appreciating the talents of others lead very dismal lives.  It's only when we can appreciate our own talents that we are able to acknowledge the gifts possessed by others.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Forgiveness Heals The Mind, Body, & Spirit

Forgiveness is incredibly healing.  When we are forgiven for mistakes we've made we feel like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders.  When we can forgive others we know that we can forgive ourselves.
Forgiving others means we will also be shown mercy.  Forgiveness has the power to rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Everything We Say & Do Is A Reflection Of Our Self-Image

Whatever we say to others is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves.  We are always filtering the things we say and do to others through the image we have of ourselves.  Our self-image is comprised of everything we believe about ourselves whether true or false, favorable or unfavorable.  People who speak to others in a loving and compassionate manner love themselves and concentrate on the positive aspects of themselves and others.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Become The Partner You Want

Many people talk about how they want to meet someone who is attractive, unconditionally loving, kind, thoughtful, and generous.  We can only attract what we are. Imitation is considered the sincerest form of flattery and that's why we always end up with partners and friends who are so much like ourselves. When we exercise generosity, unconditional love, kindness, and thoughtfulness we will find ourselves in the midst of those with like qualities.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I Am My Brother's Keeper

As a society it's important to understand that each person has a responsibility to look after one another.  When one member of society succeeds the entire community is benefited.  Society is a collective entity of interdependent members.  Our ability to look after every member of our society equally is an indication that we know how to care for ourselves and ask for help when needed. Humility and unconditional love are the cornerstones of a great societty