Friday, May 30, 2014

Relax & Everything In Your Life Will Become Easier

When we relax and let go of fear our minds have a clear view of what to do and whom to contact in order to bring us out of a state of uncertainty into one of tranquility and confidence.  If you sew love, generosity, and joy you will reap an abundant harvest of security, happiness, and personal fulfillment.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In Order To Attract Someone Who Is Kind, Caring, Loving, & Forgiving You Must Become That Person

I've had people say to me that they want to have a partner that is loving, kind, thoughtful, forgiving, and considerate.  I tell them that it's great to want that but that they have to become the person they want to attract.  A loving, thoughtful, kind, caring, and forgiving person doesn't want to be in a relationship with their emotional opposite.  People who are emotionally balanced like the company of other loving and balanced people.  Only steel and magnets are the opposites that attract, not people!

A Flexible Body Produces A Flexible Mind & Vice Versa

When we consciously decide to engage in Kundalini yoga in order to become more flexible in our bodies this indicates that we are willing to try new things, meet new people, face our fears, and move outside our comfort zone.  When you practice yoga you are showing a commitment to yourself and to those you love.  As you improve your body through Kundalini yoga you will improve your mind, the way you relate to yourself, and the way you interact with those around you.

Indiegogo - The Abundance Tree T-Shirt Project - Las Brujas, Uruguay

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Give Unconditionally In Order To Receive Abundantly

It's very important to give unconditionally.  When we open our hand to give we also make space to receive good things from others and benefit from this balanced outlook on life.  On the other hand, a fist that will not open to give prevents itself from receiving.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Take A Moment To Stretch, Breath, & Think About What You're Going To Say & Do

Most people are walking through their lives in a state of semi-consciousness.  When I see people say and do things that keep bringing them negative results it's obvious to me that they are rushing through their lives.  It's very important to take a moment to stretch and breath and truly think about the consequences of our words and actions.  Since everything we do and say is filtered through our self-image it's important to understand that when we say and do nice things for others we are demonstrating how we feel about ourselves and how we treat ourselves.  Improve your self-image every day and all of your relationships will also improve.